A family owned and independent company created in the 18th century, the group specializes in the design, manufacture and marketing of clothing fabric.

Un savoir-faire de plus de 200 ans en tissés teints Écossais, Jacquards, Imprimés et une politique volontaire et visionnaire nous projettent vers un avenir hyper réactif et connecté. Soucieux de son environnement, Deveaux est en perpétuelle transformation pour une production 100% Française toujours plus éco-responsable.

Deveaux, over 200 years in the textile industry

Maison Deveaux

A family owned and independent company created in the 18th century, the group specializes in the design, manufacture and marketing of clothing fabric.

Concerned about its environment, Deveaux is in perpetual transformation for a 100% French production always more eco-responsible.

A know-how of more than 200 years in Scottish dyed woven fabrics, Jacquards, Prints and a voluntary and visionary policy.


Frédérique von Tschammer

President of the Deveaux group

At Deveaux, we try to draw inspiration from the past to better live the present and prepare the future! Creativity, flexibility, respect for people and the environment are my constant priorities.

How was your passion for fashion and fabric born?

«Celui qui ne sait pas d’où il vient, ne peut pas savoir où il va car il ne sait pas où il est». J’aime à dire que j’ai grandi dans le carreau, dormi dans des draps à carreaux, mangé sur des nappes à carreaux… Les fils, la couleur ….. ont bercé mon enfance et mon adolescence. C’est une passion qui m’est venue tout naturellement, comme une évidence !

What do you like the most about your profession?

J’aime l’aventure, le challenge et l’effort !Être entrepreneur c’est un peu de tout ça! J’aime créer, donner envie aux femmes et aux hommes, j’aime voir nos équipes et nos collaborateurs évoluer. On ne peut pas faire de collections sans penser à l’Homme, c’est un métier ou la personnalité, la sensibilité de chacun prend tout son sens.

What projects are you working on at the moment?

Secteur en pleine mutation, le textile-habillement a de grands défis à relever! S’habiller de façon éco-responsable, tout en faisant évoluer notre outil industriel.

What will the fashion of tomorrow be made of?

Les scientifiques et les créatifs travailleront main dans la main pour la mise au point de produits désirables, vertueux aux niveaux social et environnemental.

Maison Deveaux in 3 words — what would you say?

History, Humanity, Technology.

A motto?

«Whatever you do, do it with passion, live with passion», Christian Dior.

At Deveaux, we try to draw inspiration from the past to better live the present and prepare the future! Creativity, flexibility, respect for people and the environment are my constant priorities.

How was your passion for fashion and fabric born? «Celui qui ne sait pas d’où il vient, ne peut pas savoir où il va car il ne sait pas où il est». I like to say that I grew up in plaid, slept in plaid sheets, ate on plaid tablecloths... The threads, the color.... have cradled my childhood and adolescence. It's a passion that came to me naturally, it was an obvious choice!

What do you like the most about your profession? I love adventure, challenges and work! Being an entrepreneur is a bit of all of that! I like to create, to inspire women and men, I like to see our teams and our employees evolve. You can't make collections without thinking about people; it's a job where the personality and sensitivity of each person takes on its full meaning.

What projects are you working on at the moment? The textile-clothing sector is undergoing a major transformation and has some major challenges to meet! To dress in an eco-responsible way. Abandon the use of fur, feathers, leather... Eco design of models ... Fashion wants to be sustainable.

What will the fashion of tomorrow be made of? Scientists and creatives will work hand in hand to develop desirable, socially and environmentally virtuous products.

Maison Deveaux in 3 words — what would you say?
History, Humanity, Technology.

A motto?
«Whatever you do, do it with passion, live with passion», Christian Dior.

Notre maison est riche de ses partenaires. L’humain est au centre de nos valeurs et de nos préoccupations chez Deveaux. Nous avons tant de belles histoires à raconter. Découvrez celles de certains de nos précieux collaborateurs.

Can you tell us about your professional background? After a few years spent at Michelin and in particular in Asia in Hong Kong, I joined Deveaux as Regional Manager for Italy and then Germany. After having travelled all over Germany, I got a taste for product development and management and became product manager for plain, jacquard and printed fabrics. Gradually, with Frédérique, we took up the reins of the company.

What are business values that you hold dear? Above all, human values, respect for our employees, and the trust we place in them by giving them a great deal of autonomy are deeply rooted in the company's DNA.

What have you seen evolve over all these years at Deveaux? The company and its employees have always known how to adapt and be one step ahead in order to understand and meet the expectations of their customers and the textile consumer.

What are the next challenges the market (you) will face? We have already strongly committed the group to a more eco-responsible production, but we must succeed in the transition to an even more equitable and ecological production!

Maison Deveaux in 3 words — what would you say? Innovation, customization, committed

A funny anecdote about your job or your career? Trilingual in English, French and German (having never practiced Spanish or Italian) I started my career with Deveaux in Italy! Nothing is impossible when you are trusted!

How many years have you been with Deveaux? I have had this position since 1991.

What is your role at Deveaux? I handle orders for the UK, Asia, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

What have you seen evolve over all these years at Deveaux? The software has evolved, before we used to place orders via Telex and Minitel, today everything is centralized via our emails. The cell phone is more present in the way we consume and work for a more instantaneous response and faster feedback and decision-making. The world has changed.

How many years have you been with Deveaux? I have had my position since 2002.

What are your daily tasks? I am in charge of designing the collections, attentive to the customer's requests. I choose storylines and designs. I make the design models, the pattern design, from the coloring up to the conception of the lines of samples.

What do you like about this profession? I love pattern matching, coloring, synthesizing trends, color books and fashion shows.

What have you seen evolve over all these years at Deveaux? Printing techniques and computer graphics have evolved. I have seen the change from traditional printing to inkjet printing. The design from A to Z has also evolved to high precision customization.

What values do you appreciate at Deveaux? The Deveaux group provides many tools: the printers are in constant evolution, the archives are a great wealth and source of creativity at our disposal.

How do you see your job in 10 or 20 years? The core profession will not change, but artificial intelligences will change the way we consume.

How many years have you been with Deveaux? Cela fait 15 ans, j’ai intégré le groupe en 2006. J’ai débuté chez ERCEA filiale Deveaux, en tant que chef de zone Allemagne et Pays de l’Est, ensuite l’Angleterre. Enfin, j’ai intégré Deveaux en tant que chef de zone Angleterre, mon cursus bac + 5 d’école de commerce international en poche. Je parle allemand et anglais couramment.

What are your daily tasks? Agent management, sales, and customer relations.  

What do you like about this profession? I love my job because of the cultural discovery, the autonomy and the trust I am given.

How do you see your job in 10 or 20 years? The markets and the business are evolving, social networks play an important role. B to B will always remain as important.

What is your role at Deveaux? I take care of the follow-up of the customer orders. I am the assistant of Thibaud von Tschammer and of the salesmen in Paris. I am also in charge of the after sales service. 

What have you seen evolve over all these years at Deveaux? J’ai intégré Deveaux à l’âge de 16 ans, nous avons commencé au secteur éponge en 1981 et cela pendant 11 ans. En 1992, je suis passée au département unis-imprimés. En 2005, j’ai pris le poste d’assistante commerciale: l’ère du digital a changé notre façon de travailler.

What values do you appreciate at Deveaux? Growth opportunities throughout our career.

How many years have you been with Deveaux?

Since 2011

Do you have a textile background?

No, absolutely not, previously I participated in an experiment at the French Embassy in setting up microcredits in the slums.  

What are your daily tasks?

- Lead a sales team
- Develop a product range
- Manage a back-office team

Tell us what values you appreciate at Deveaux.

I like this organization based on a flat hierarchy that gives us freedom and allows for participative management of the teams. My job is versatile and very stimulating.

How do you see your job in 10 or 20 years?

I believe in an eco-friendly design, in a genuine return to a more local production; to avoid making a multitude of trials to get the final result for example. My goal is to implement other projects within the group aiming towards a more responsible growth.